26 February 2011

Bike work

Being home (sick with the rest of the family) allowed me some time to work on the small, quick bike projects.  I've been procrastinating.

Changed out the stock headlight on the 05 with a triangle headlight.



As simple as this was, the headlight (and taillight) would not turn on after wiring it back in.  Turns out the wiring in the headlight was assembled in reverse and shipped that way.  That took me and Pops a little while to discover.

You can see from the picture that the speedo and tach were next to go.  After a little tweaking, the side mount from Crazy Oils has been mounted.  I'll post pics when the speedo is in it's proper place.  Soon Francesco!!  Thanks Pops, for the big help today.

Stuff arriving from Death Science...

...cool stuff.  Thanks Tim!

23 February 2011

Arrival from Greasy Kulture...

Got to catch up on my reading.  Back issues 16, 17 and 18.
Loyal (slow) supporter. 

And just when I seem to be caught up...

20 February 2011

Monster Trucks

Second time going.  It's loud, smells, and the boy loves it.  All things GOOD.

18 February 2011

Today's weather...

was a reminder that the snow is almost gone and it's time to finish (start?) the winter projects!

Hide Motorcycles (taken from one of the many places I've seen it posted today)

Everything Louder Than Everything Else...

15 February 2011

Tickets Printed...

Hello EVIL,

The ticket(s) you ordered on February 06, 2011 for MOTORHEAD have been printed! They will be shipped to you shortly via US Mail.

Motorhead w/ Clutch, Valient Thorr
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

House of Blues Boston
15 Lansdowne St.
Boston, 02215

07 February 2011

Dim Sum...

at Boston Chinatown with family and friend from out of town...

03 February 2011