17 May 2011

Back from vacation (part 2)

More pics of Aruba...

Yes, he's a happy frog.

Posted at the lady's request.

"If it smells like fish, it must be the Sea Hag"

Local beer BALASHI

Great food!  Picture above the bar shows big woman on a harley (guessing she's the owner).  Hells Angels eating there the same night.

Back from vacation (part 1)

Some pics of Aruba...


Good luck to stack 3 rocks

5-Legged Donkey???

Can't beat the 10 second timer

Someone's front yard

Where we spent lots of time

09 May 2011

Early bike builders...

Trevelen from SuperCo explains the engineering innovations during the 1950s by a group of bike builders from East LA

Stussy x NEIGHBORHOOD - Boneyards II: Conspiracy with Trevelen from Stussy on Vimeo.

05 May 2011

Boneshakers Evo Sportster

This is one of my favorites, and it's for sale.  Wish I had the funds to adopt it into a good home. 
" ... we now have this sweet evo for sale, these pics are from when I built it, it's a had a couple of changes since then, mainly the exhaust and it's got a bit of road use but it's pretty much the same. a great bike, super reliable and lots of fun all ready for the summer.

If you want it give me a ring on 01527575934 or 07913325297 "
 Visit Benny HERE


02 May 2011

Not a bike week.....

...but the Keene Swap Meet.  Huge swap meet with good stuff.  The day was perfect for riding.

This was my find for the day.  The tag on this gem said $60, but Evil's charm knocked $10 off.

The mural painted on the side is good karma for a trip we're taking soon!

Also bumped into a riding friend who was hocking a triangle sissy bar pad, which I took off his hands.  He also threw in a gas cap for the tank.  Good day!