28 July 2011

Sara's trump @ Born Free 3

I didn't go to the BF3, so yeah, I stole this from the web.

26 July 2011

Toltec Rally Teams' "Stuff" at NEFR 2011

Video and pics comes from a friend who Rally Races...
"Big 50mph "stuff" on the last stage of the last day a mile from finish time control.... I hit a bad patch of golf ball gravel and ran out of talent. Lucky for the drainage ditch that kept us out of the trees.... it'll buff out..." (Lucky part is 2:35 minutes in...)

17 July 2011

PBR and the weekend

Relaxing weekend spent at the lakehouse, and memories.....

14 July 2011

Arrival from Haifley Bros.

In addition to their frame & fab services, Bates style seats & pillion pads, and custom seats, The Haifley Brothers also got PanTees and a koozie for an ice cold PBR.  Visit Doug and crew HERE

10 July 2011

My favorite beer to swipe from the old man back in high school. Ahh, memories. Now the garage fridge is stocked.

mica xlch tokyo cruise.wmv

09 July 2011

*SOLD* 75 ironhead xlch 1000

The kid I sold it to said this is his first Harley.  Welcome to the labor of love, yet work to keeping it on the road.  There is a part of me that will hate me in the morning for selling it.  Pause for a moment to reflect.......ok, now if anyone knows of an old Triumph or Panhead for sale....

Bitchin' oil leak!!

The boy learning.

05 July 2011

Arrival from the fellows at 'Show Class'

I was probably the last one to pre-order the 1st edition of the magazine, and it arrived yesterday.  Great stuff!  "All Filler, No Killer"

01 July 2011

75 ironhead xlch 1000, sportster bobber $$ FOR SALE $$

Tough decision to make, and I still need convincing to sell her.  Make an offer before I change my mind.

  • Bolt on hardtail
  • open chain drive
  • kickstart and electric
  • rear drum brake, front disc brake
  • S&S Super E Shorty Carburetor
  • mid controls
  • solo seat
  • mini z-ape bars 
  • sissy bar 
75k miles?  Carb needs a good cleaning.

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