24 September 2011

Super Mario Bros...

...themed birthday party.  The boy wanted a Bowser Beanbag Toss game.  Progress and finished product below...

19 September 2011

Nice bars...

Really liking these bars, and HERE is where you find them (or at least the pic).

10 September 2011

Vintage PBR

I found this pic on the So'ful Garage blog.  Thumbs up to the company truck, the beer, and the gent from that generation.

  "This is one of the coolest photos I've seen in a long time...our own crew member, Chris Robertson's (Car99r of TCU) grandpa, Allen Lee Robertson Sr."

Church "BIZARRE"

I'm not a religious person, but couldn't pass on this.  Scored this gem off the donation table...

And don't forget candy for the kids....

 ...did I mention I'm not a religious person...